Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Emerging Techonologies Project

Kelly O’Neill
T&L 466.01
November 13, 2006
Emerging Technology Project

Technology in the classroom has come a long way since even I was in high school four years ago. Technology in education has made a huge impact on what is accessible to students. Students can access the internet for research and then use power points to show a presentation. Teachers can use video and power points to present material as well as email to communicate with students outside of the classroom. New technology comes out all the time and may eventually impact the future of classrooms. Technology that I see having a large impact on my future classrooms are Interactive Smart boards, Apple learning mobile labs, and.
The interactive Smart board is a projected white board. With this board teachers can write notes that can be saved for later use. With a projector screen teachers can pull up notes or web pages from their computers to be projected on the whiteboard screen. This would be a useful tool for teachers to use if they are giving a lecture that they want to show notes and then a website. This would allow for the teachers to switch back and forth between technologies very easily. (Smarttech.com)
The Apple learning mobile lab is something that many of use have used in this class for our digital media projects. The mobile lab is cart that contains many Mac laptops convenient for student use. The piece of technology would help my future classes by enabling all students to have access to a computer. Having all my students have access to computers and internet in the classroom will be helpful when doing research or writing papers. (apple.com)
A third piece of emerging technology that will be useful in the classroom are E-books. E-books will allow students to read text books online instead of carrying the book back and forth between home and the classroom. Combined with the Apple mobile lab students would be able to access the book from their desks on the laptop.
The interactive Smart board would help engage students during lectures. Instead of just lecturing the teacher shows websites or concept maps while also using white board markers to highlight things on the page. The Apple learning mobile lab will help students learning to use and understand technology that they will possibly use in the future. E-books will impact students become more interactive and engaged with reading the text book. E-books will have interactive activities such as quizzes or links to other web pages that will be engaging to students.
Technology is the future of education, whether it is more computer use, online books, or projector whiteboards. Using technology in the classroom will help teachers be better prepared for lessons and create new ways to introduce or discuss material to students. Technology will benefit the students by creating more interactive activities and engaging material, rather then just listen to the teacher lecture or reading an overhead full of notes.

Work cited

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kelly O’Neill
T&L 466.01
November 6, 2007
Are you Ready for Distance Education?

5 pros
1. Move through assignments at own pace.
2. Students can choose a “track” they want to be on whether it is taking AP, college prep or career prep classes. They can also decide to remain “trackless”.
3. Teachers are available through multiple means of communication such as email, phone, or interactive web boards.
4. Students are able to complete work and meet with teachers when it is convenient for them, to allow for the student to be more flexible in having a job or helping out at home.
5. In most cases the students get provided with a personal laptop to complete assignments and conduct research.

5 cons
1. Students do not get the hands on experience with the teacher.
2. Students miss out on social interactions and the high school experience.
3. If students have a question about an assignment they have to wait for the teacher to read their email or read through their messages. The teacher is not always available to help the student at the time of the question.
4. The student misses out on group projects and assignments in class. These skills, such as public speaking and working with peers would be beneficial to them in a future job.
5. There is no check up on the students to make sure they will be getting everything assignment done on time. If students can turn in assignments on their own pace who says they are not leaving it until the very end.

Students much show that they are ready to handle their own education to be able to participate in distance delivery of high school. The students must be able to demonstrate that they have good time management skills and struggling in school.

For me to be able to teach in a virtual school I believe that the student should still need to come into the high school at least once a week to meet with his teachers and interact with students their own age. The students must demonstrate that they are ready for a program like this.